Welcome to Guangzhou zhi xin anti-counterfeiting label Co.Ltd
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The Production Process of anti-counterfeiting label
  With the continuous development of China's economy, especially the development of many domestic enterprises, more and more kinds of goods, so many criminals took a fancy to the business opportunities, especially in the recent market integrity extensive loss, there are many fake and shoddy products, to businesses and consumers and the economy have brought a lot of losses, as the country to crack down on counterfeit means more and more severe, especially improve the predominant means of combining, dealing a lot of enterprises perception of security is more and more clear, so long committed to the anti-counterfeiting technology research and development, production and the development of security software.The company mainly manages the code anti-counterfeit labels, laser labels, tough anti-counterfeiting labels and stickers, PVC stickers, drum stickers, easy shredding of printing, anti-counterfeiting transregional prevention system products such as anti-counterfeiting solutions for enterprises.Here is to introduce the anti-counterfeit label production process steps:
A, carries an anti-counterfeit label for the design, our  company is provide anti-counterfeit label design service for the customer free of charge.
B, after and customer communication for many times, determine the final design draft after output figure.At this time, to be signed by the client to confirm the design draft, for both sides.
C, into the printing, printing is the core.Generally is not a lot, but the peak season will have a lot of customers, need to prepare in advance.
D, each a anti-counterfeiting code is uniqueness are automatically generated by the security system, we make anti-counterfeiting tags are used in the "national security information center, the national well-known security query system" for customer service.
E, then laminating process.Some light membrane, some by the film, some laser film.
F, the code (password is changed, want a a dozen), silver brush yards to scratch.
G, coating on "scraping coating input password bian authenticity" prompt.
H, for die cutting process, according to customer requirements die cutting into various shapes specifications of the label.
I, into the exhaust, dropped the redundant paper row after die cutting.
J, password input anti-counterfeit query system.Respond to voice input.
K, acceptance, before delivery, our company will spare the identity of the whole to the customer or to do the extra destroyed, prevent into society.
L, anti-counterfeit labels completed, enterprises get money is not a service end, but rather the beginning of the service, we will be ready after anti-counterfeit query service, guarantee the voice query, query text query, online query method of flowing smoothly.
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